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Concerns about the Methods of the Campaign

For basic knowledge of what the campaign is about and for addressing further questions, please visit our FAQ page.

The following are some specific concerns people may have which reduce commitment to the Pass It On campaign itself. Once you have read them, please feel free to go back to our Taking Action page if you wish to support the campaign in action.

Overcoming Obstacles to Action
  1. "This must be researched and carried out by a powerful international organization" (not something we individuals can take action on).
  2. "But the future language should be English, Esperanto, French, invented with X features, etc."
  3. " If this idea gets going, people will be bombarded with repeated appeals to pass the idea on."

1. "This must be researched and carried out by a powerful international organization (not something we individuals can take action on)."

It is very much agreed that the idea must be carried out by a powerful body representing various national governments (and based on the considered judgment of eminent scholars in various disciplines).

However, the people of the world, as with the people wanting the policies of their own national government to change, have the right and even need to encourage their leaders to carry out such ideas (by working with representatives from other countries to encourage the United Nations, Inter-Parliamentary Union, etc. to support such a policy and its required research, etc.).

The method we are advancing here in is not to waste time and create conflict by promoting a specific language. Rather, we wish to spread the idea so that the conditions for a world auxiliary language will be in place. The advantage of this "pass it on" idea is that it doesn't take much energy for the hearer to pass on the idea to a few others (and ask them to do the same).

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2) "But the future language should be English, Esperanto, French, invented with X features, etc."

Many people love to debate. It is indeed useful to possess skills for analytically examining an issue and being able to persuade others, if necessary. However, if we relish the "game" too much, we may miss out on taking the strongly needed action.

Others like to delve into a topic and speculate. The issue fo a universal language provides much opportunity for those who are interested in language. But again, we risk becoming tied down in premature speculation when the greatest task at hand is to diffuse the idea amidst the global citizenry.

Our own debates and speculations, if confined to a limited circle (i.e., if we don't tell new people the idea, and encourage them to advance it in a non-partisan fashion), we risk leaving nothing to posterity. After all, it is our disinterested services which will outlast us, not our words. Again, there may come a time when the issue is so well accepted, and the conference to make such a choice immanent, such that speculation as to the nature of the language to be chosen and debate on the various advantages and disadvantages of particular languages or language types would be welcome and necessary. In the meantime, however, let's get on with the business of spreading the idea. If questions arise as to the advisability of having such a language, then we can address them. But it is premature to get into too much detail about the languages to be chosen, since the premise of this campaign is to leave the ultimate decision up to the global and representative leaders and scholars.

Those interested in speculations and debating the form the language is to take in preparation for such a day, if they are bent on doing so, can at least do their part to join this effort and spread the idea. It may even be that by doing so, they could help build the momentum which will fund the very research they wish to carry out (assuming we are the best qualified to do so)!
In sum, we need to take action undeterred not only by any objectors (see objections section) but also by those caught up in debates as to its form or dwelling on speculation as to its features

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3. "If this idea gets going, people will be bombarded with repeated appeals to pass the idea on."

First of all, it wouldn't really hurt for someone to hear the idea a few times (in fact, it may be necessary to hear something multiple times in order to be brought to a point of action).

However, there are certain safeguards here that should prevent that from happening. First of all, our system will automatically recognize if an appeal has already been sent to a given email account (and how many times if more than once) as well as if that email has already signed up in agreement. If it has already been sent (and particularly if a person at that email address already signed on to our program), the person intending to send a copy to that individual will be notified so that they will not need to send another copy (unless they wish to make their own personal appeal in addition to whatever copy had been forwarded to that person earlier).

Also, if and when the idea will spread to the degree that it actually causes some grief, people may feel even more motivated to tell their representatives to make the world language a reality so that the campaign will stop!

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