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Discussion Boards

In all our forums, we expect that standards of decency are upheld, both in tone as well as content. If we feel some posts do not meet this standard, we will not hesitate to delete them (or ask the poster to reconsider the manner of communication), even if the post might otherwise contain worthwhile content. The main purpose of our initating this campaign is to promote peace amidst all peoples.

1. Discuss possible website improvements in format or content
2. Address objections you face to the open-ended decision/campaign (or share your successes)
3. Consider Features a World Auxiliary Language Ought to Include
4. Discuss Metric/system weights measures, world currency, world government, etc.

1. Discuss possible website improvements in format or content

(You can also submit your questions/suggestions directly to us at our contact page if the discussion board does not meet your needs.)

At this board, you can give your opinions on our FAQ answers, add you own suggested FAQ questions and/or answers, add an idea for action, share media articles discussing the topic, etc.

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2. Address objections you face to the open-ended decision/campaign (or share your successes)

(See also our FAQ page on Potential Objections.)

At this discussion board, you are welcome to raise questions about the proposed world auxiliary language, describe strategies which have worked for you, etc.

Our discussion board is presently at

[Consider whether to have the data from user's forms which indicates reasons why people are rejecting the idea (whether themselves or others) be (automatically) forwarded to this discussion board. if the reasons are the same as those in the past, a tally could be made showing the most common objections.]

e.g., English is already the world language (no need to do anything) - 15
Diversity would be lost - 10

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3. Consider Features a World Auxiliary Language Ought to Include
(See also our FAQ page on Language Features)

We really do not consider it worthwhile at the present time to spend much time elaborating on what features a world auxiliary language of the future ought to have, since the resources have not been allocated and public awareness and opinion has yet to be sufficiently developed. We ask you to rather concentrate on spreading the idea first.

However, in order to provide an outlet for those who will most likely inevitably wish to discuss this (and not clog up the other discussion boards), we have provided this discussion board for such discussions.

Also, it is somewhat conceivable that these ideas could be of use to the scholars who are actually called upon to make a contribution to this ultimate political decision--as it is indeed only a political decision which can reasonably bring us a world auxiliary language.

The features for such a future world auxiliary language (whether an invented language or whether chosen from among existing ones) might include the following topics:

Increased insight into ease of use
Simplicity and regularity in grammar
Mnemonic support and cultural identity recognition for learners from assorted linguistic
backgrounds manifested in the vocabulary
Sufficiency yet not extraneity
Allowing specificity as well as generality and ambiguity
Adaptability (productivity) yet systematicity (through the language's inherent design or
through maintenance/adaptation by an Academy)
Elimination of gender and cultural bias
Inclusion or exclusion of complex sounds/features, etc.

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4. Discuss Metric/system weights measures, world currency, world government, etc.

(See also our section on "Other Issues")

This section can be used to discuss all other topics which may be of concern to those interested in a world auxiliary language.

For example, some might discuss obstacles they are facing in spreading the metric system within the remaining countries which have not signed on (despite the ease of the system and its already widespread acceptance).

However, again, we hope that you will spend most of your energies joining us in spreading the idea of the world auxiliary language, as that is now our primary aim.

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