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Enhancing the Campaign's success in Diffusion and Speed

1. Diffusion
2. Speed


Although we are encouraging friendly competition between individuals, countries, and language groups, we have a real need to ensure that there is a ground swell of support for the idea all around the world and amidst all language groups. We cannot expect for a global political decision to take off if the idea is confined to a few countries or peoples. Even if an enforceable political decision were possible without widespread agreement with the idea amidst the public, its implementation would be difficult without such support.

Therefore, we are asking that our participants compensate for such shortfalls by deliberating seeking to find (ideally multiple) contacts who can perpetuate the idea amidst such unreached populations (specifically appealing to their mindset and concerns, particularly if they differ, say, from those addressed at our website (though please submit such differences to our Discussion Board). Although we are not initially planning on mapping the diffusion of the idea within countries, such diffusion within countries will also be necessary, as the decision may be made by representatives throughout each country (and of course implemented everywhere). Therefore, even if one cannot reach those of as-yet-unreached language groups or countries, one should at least attempt to spread the idea beyond one's immediate circle (though that is of course necessary). This will also ensure that a particular group is not oversaturated with the idea (particularly while other areas remain unopened to the idea).

One other benefit of diffusing the idea to those of different language groups (and regions) is that an opportunity is provided to bring peace between antagonistic groups. Each group will witness the sense of justice of the other in calling for an even greater standard--one which recognizes we are all part of one world and one which calls for a democratic decision considered in the context of the majority of the WORLD (aside from exclusively domestic concerns). Although the universal language might not take on the features of being used as an official language for national governments for quite some time--if ever (thus potentially resolving debates as to which language or languages should be used at the national level), and although the universal language allows for local and national languages to be continued in whatever manner its peoples determine (with the countries themselves defined by whatever boundaries its peoples choose, perhaps determined by shared langauges), the idea may indeed contribute to a spirit of good will between antagonistic language groups for the above-mentioned reasons. As all groups show that not only do they view a need for a common language for all, but also that by allowing such a decision to the world, national language majorities will show that their own language is not necessarily inevitable as the choice, nor as inherently superior, etc., and the minority will demonstrate their willingness to accede to certain demands for unity and integration (though this is not only the minority's responsibility nor is it only to one group's benefit) and their sense of justice in their willingness to follow the world's majority (as all democratic efforts must ultimately depend on the majority, however necessary it is to draw on its minority elements). Of course these advantages of inter-group communication do not rule the need for intragroup communication on this issue of a world language.

In order to help diffuse the idea to these ideas to areas or groups where awareness or support for the idea is limited, please see our Map page and Language Tally page. This should both provide encouragement for witnessing the possibilities for and progress toward ultimate success (whether as a whole or for subgroups), as well as to examine areas where there are currently shortfalls. By visiting our Monitoring Progress page, you should also be able to view other ways to assess the campaign's progress,

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(See the Time Spread page for a current view of how quickly the idea is spreading.)

This campaign will benefit by (and even depends on) the speed at which new contacts are told. If you are able to shorten the interval between telling additional people, it will speed up the process considerably. This is not to say that the final decision must occur absolutely immediately (without thought, debate, etc.), but that we need to compensate for individuals who either resist the idea or who pass it on slowly, etc., so it will be better if those of us supporting the idea pass on the idea with a certain sense of urgency.

Other reasons for seeking due speed (and high numbers) include the need to compensate for the untrustworthiness of individuals forgetting or failing to pass on the idea (though we can also compensate for these failures by checking back with our contacts to ensure they have passed it on - see "Reminders for Taking Steps of Action" section). Also, if we allow too much time to go by, there will be more people to tell (and others may fail to pass on the idea to posterity, etc.).

There will also be certain natural limitations which must be overcompensated for (e.g., inevitable duplication of effort as people partiuclarly within certain borders or closed communities may repeat the idea within their communities rather than spread the idea further (though some repetition is useful for reinforcing the concept).

Despite this need for us to overcompensate, we should on the other hand not be too worried about the idea requiring absolute trustworthiness on everyone's part, etc. In some ways, as the idea is spread, the momentum should actually increase, as the media will serve to spread the idea further to a broader audience, as educators pass on the idea to large numbers, as parents pass on the idea to their children (though hopefully it won't take so long), and as others who have not been recorded at the website also take up the work to pass the idea on (including those who have already been doing so).

Although we should indeed do our best to live up to our commitments in all earnestness, our commitment need not imply an absolutely binding requirement to tell all those we have committed to tell.

However, we should indeed also beware of overcommitting in our desire to spread the idea in that too many such overcommitments by our users (which are not followed through) will give our users the false impression that the success is "in the bag". We should also avoid asking our hearers to pass on the idea to too many people as this may discourage them from telling even any.

You may wish to ask others to tell others to pass it on to their two acquaintances, friends, family, etc. within a specified short interval such as a week (or at least a month) so that they don't forget to pass it on (and the original person can check back with them without waiting so long. Thus the rate of spread will increase and be more sustainable and reliable. Of course, we should also avoid asking our hearers to pass on the idea too quickly as this may discourage many people from telling even any (if they do it within a month rather than a week, the chain will still only require 32 months--not a very long time for such an idea to encircle the earth!).

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